The weekend of the black abyss

To recap: I slept 47 hours from Friday, 10am until Monday, 530am!!!!! At least I can say I'm feeling a bit better. Still have a headache today, my eyes are still blurry, took a nap in my chair at lunch*, can't concentrate on work (I'm doing really good on writing articles and books and stuff, OH MY).

~~So Amanda, how did you become a writer? "Well, I couldn't concentrate on the job I got paid for, so I used that time to write a novel, 14 articles and so on." Yeah, that's how I'm seeing my life pay off. I've started four stories and I have submitted them to four reliable sources who I know will tear me down just to build me back up :o) One of the ramblings I emailed back to Redbook is getting published...sometime. I missed the deadline this month for All You Magazine. I downloaded a list of writing contests to enter, but haven't gotten it back out since all these sewing projects have piled up.

Cohen and Benjamin had a great Easter...Benjamin even sent the Easter Bunny a thank you letter. The flag was up on the mailbox when we left last night!!! Cohen had this really weird thing going on last night though. About 10 times in a minute, he would look at something like he was trying to focus, he'd move his eyes as far right as they would possibly go and open them as wide as they'd go. Thankfully he isn't doing it today, but man, that was some odd looking crap.

* Don't know if you ever have, but I have woken myself up snoring, laughing, talking, farting, etc. Well, it's commonly known that I sleep in my office during lunch. Just close the door, prop my feet up and thank goodness for reclining chairs!!! Today I didn't figure I'd actually go to sleep (did you see above?), but I thought I'd rest my eyes and think about what I'm going to do tonight. Next thing I know I'm yelling words I can't understand, scaring the crap out myself!!! I asked my neighbors if they heard me, but I don't think they want to tell me the truth.


My Stalkers