Been a long time my blogger friends

I have officially been employed by the IRS for six months!!! I can honestly say (besides the 9 weeks in Dallas) this time has FLOWN by! Benjamin is now in baseball again; so usually about 3 days a week we're at the park. Cohen isn't interested in anything but the computer, Wii, and DS....dude needs some sunlight! Bob is still a stay-at-home-hubby which is awesome. The last time I had to cook my own food and do my own laundry was Dallas!! I get to go on another 2-3 week trip in September; rumor is either Cincy or Atlanta. I'm routing for Atlanta just because it's close enough to travel back and forth on the weekend and IKEA ~ need I say more????? Of course, Cincy would allow me to see some old friends on the weekends & (right after we left) THEY got an IKEA!!! So either way, I'm pretty comfortable it would be a good trip.

I have a butt-load of projects for QM; even considered moving my clothing to a shop I'd call Pretty Pretty Princess Boutique (PPPB). Of course, then I'd have to keep up with TWO stores!!!! Ah, decisions, decisions.


My Stalkers