Convincing the unconvincable...

OK, Bob is still not convinced this IRS deal is a good thing for the family. HELLO!!!! More money, better opportunity, he gets to be a SAHD with no children from 7-3!!!!! This man has it MADE! Yes, I will be gone to Dallas, TX for about four weeks, but he still has my M&D to help out if need be...did I mention he pretty much has ALL DAY to himself since both boys are in school??????

The boys were very excited to have a (very short) visit from their Papaw. My parents (and grandmother) came over for dinner last night as well. Bob made the BEST meal ever - BBQ pork chops (on the grill), doctored baked beans (10 lbs!!!), and mustard potato salad from Walmart (4 lbs!!!!). I haven't hit the scale yet this morning cause I don't want to see the results!!!


tscrapper said...

Sounds like a pretty good gig to me. What's his hold-up with it?

Quilted Memories said...

I conquered all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Stalkers