I've put a bid on Etsy to do some wholesale work for banners. I am so excited how they've been turning out. The one below is for an Etsy shop she calls "SoftSpoken". She's going to use this one to put up at Craft Shows. I sent her some cards, so maybe I'll get some business from her craft shows!!!!

The boys are doing really good in their respective summer camps (Benjamin - Boys&Girls Club, Cohen - M&Ds, Bob - selling VWs). Hopefully with GM doing its new thing and Bob's dealership being a part of it, all the traffic has to go by Volkswagen, so maybe they'll stop before they get to GM and support our bailout efforts!!!!


tscrapper said...

I love your new banners. Good luck w/ the wholesale order!

Quilted Memories said...

Thanks...hope I'm not infringing on any prospects. I think the internet is big enough for the two of us...whatcha think?

My Stalkers